The Center for International Climate and Environmental Research – Oslo (CICERO) is a private, independent research foundation that conducts research on and provides information and expert advice about national and international issues related to climate change and climate policy.

CICERO was established by the government in 1990 to strengthen national research within the field of climate science. One of the objectives was to improve the scientific basis for Norwegian authorities and decision makers who are designing and negotiating climate policy and climate agreements. CICERO has a national mandate to make information about climate research and climate policy accessible to various target groups.

About 65 CICERO scientists are engaged in interdisciplinary research in fields as the climate system, emission reductions and costs, climate transformation, climate policy, international agreements and climate change in the Arctic.

CICERO researchers have been part of Norway's delegation to the international climate negotiations. CICERO also is an accredited observer organization to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and has for several years organized exhibits and side events during conferences of the parties.

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